these last couple weeks have been SO very busy for me...
-first off was getting everything ready for the State of the Art exhibit in Whistler, BC on April 15th. WHat a night, what a gala opening. a bunch of artists in attendance and drinks were flowing, a bunch of artworks sold.
-the very next night was the Toad Hall art show in Whistler village and it was very busy and a different crowd then I am used to at art exhibits I normally am involved with.
-I had one day off to recover and then on Monday night at Maxx Fish nightclub in Whistler Village was an event called
PechaKucha . It was a super fun night, the rest of the presenters were awesome, I had a blast showing my photos and talking to the sold out crowd. If you have a chance to go to a PechaKucha event I really think you should. My buddy Randoid taped my talk, and if I can figure out how to put that and a slideshow online, on this blog I will.
-the rest of my time will be spent working at Black Ohm Tattoos until Friday when I will be busy setting up a MASSIVE space for Blind Mute Productions annual art exhibit, this years' is called "la Violenta Tormenta de Arte" it's a mexican wrestling art show/party. where we have 30+ artists (local and international) showcasing their artworks. Nelson's own YAN ZOMBIE will be spinning tunes as well as Squamish's LIBRARIAN and Victorias JAKE "DESTRO" SPADE and Whistler's RUSS-2-FARI.
-Monday is the HotDOg party at the GLC , 12 hours of fun times. Maybe see you there for a bit. starts at 12 noon.
What a festival so far... can't wait till next years