copyright 1998 dave petko

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Pemberton skate park

So,  the village of Pemberton B.C. CANADA is trying to get a skateboard park built.  It is about time they had one,  the kids need one badly.   There is going to be a fundraiser art show, with proceeds collected and used against the cost of the park.   A bunch of local artists were asked if they would donate their time and energy to customize a (new) blank skateboard deck, which would then be exhibited and sold in an art show.   
These are the decks I painted for the event.

Monday, June 14, 2010

HOT RODS & COOL BROADS 3 Art Show in Secondlife!Sat. June 12 3-5pm PST @ virtual Tart Gallery

HOT RODS & COOL BROADS 3 Art Show and DR. SKETCHY'S in Secondlife!Sat. June 12 3-5pm PST @ virtual Tart Gallery
This shot is of some of the art on the art wall at the "Hot Rods and Cool Broads" exhibit at Pats Pub.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Satan Built my Hotrod

This version is the print version, soon to be available to you, the public, for around $20.00, signed by me.